All synovial joints are degenerative-degenerative diseases – arthritis, but some more, others less. Most often affects the osteoarthritis knee and hip joints, as they are subjected to considerable stress and knee joints and personal injury. If the osteoarthritis is localized in the knee, diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis (arthrosis deformans of the knee). Osteoarthritis of the knee – a disease that often leads such as for temporary disability and invalidity. What is osteoarthritis osteoarthritis knee joint, the reasons why it develops and how it manifests this disease, how to cure it – the theme of this article.

A bit of terminology
Osteoarthritis – non-inflammatory joint disease, which begins with processes that are dystrophic in the articular cartilage, then the process in question, articular fields coupling the bone, the sheath, the synovial, the muscles that support the joint. Another name of this disease – arthritis, contains an indication that the pathological processes occurring in bone tissue.
To clarify the localization of the disease name you add the name of a body: osteoarthritis of the knees, osteoarthritis of the ankle. Why in a subsequent step, the edge of the growth of articulated sites of lead to severe deformation of the organ, osteoarthritis of the knee and other joints of the joints called deformation, abbreviated as DOA. The diagnosis of DOA means the same thing, that arthritis.
What is osteoarthritis osteoarthritis and how to still call him? Very often in the internet you can find location knee osteoarthritis knee osteoarthritis osteoarthritis of the hip. If the first definition is a tautology, the second is a mixture of two securities with different joint diseases. The fact is that for convenience of notation, the most common types of arthritis using the name, in which is contained the indication of the location. So, the first part of the compound word "knee osteoarthritis" dates back to the Greek way, what is "the knee". Osteoarthritis osteoarthritis that is osteoarthritis of the knee, can also be used in the name of DOA of the knee, osteoarthritis of the knee. Here are the names gonarthrosis of the knee, and the like are redundant.
Anatomy of the knee
In the literature one can also find mention of arthrosis of the femoral-patellar joint, or patellofemoral syndrome. To understand where what you need to know the anatomy of the knee. This condylar joint:
- the articular surface of the femur is a convex shaped head;
- the tibial cavity.
In addition to the large bone in the formation of the knee takes part in a small sesamoid bone, known as the places of interest such as the patella, or places of interest such as the patella. The rear surface of its upper edge is articulated with the femur. Places of interest such as the patella in Latin is called the patella, and the thigh – femurs. That is, if you translate in Italian the word femoropatellar, you get femoral-patellar. Is not independent of the joint, and an integral part of the complex of the knee joint. Places of interest such as the patella held in the right position the system of ligaments, but sometimes, you move because of injury or initially has a configuration of up to instability.
Offset, instability, patella – the main factors that lead to the development of the so-called patellofemoral arthrosis. His reason also refers to the traumatic cartilage damage of the places of interest such as the patella bumps, falls. Experts usually use the term patellofemoral pain syndrome, because the mechanism of the development and the clinical picture of this malocclusion are different from the classic, typical of osteoarthritis. This is a treatable disease, because thinning of the cartilage (chondromalacia) occurs only in 3 stages, the prognosis is quite favorable. But in the absence of an adequate treatment of this disease enters in knee osteoarthritis.
The causes of the disease
What is osteoarthritis of the knee and what are the causes that generate it? One we have already called – injury and instability of the places of interest such as the patella, launched patellofemoral syndrome, doctors often see it as periartroz).
For reasons of osteoarthritis of the knee are:
- the congenital muscle weakness and ligaments of the apparatus to stabilize the knee joint;
- diseases of the lower limbs (varicose veins, thrombosis), which broke the flow of blood to the knee;
- prolonged inflammatory processes in the joint cavity and periarticular tissues;
- endocrine diseases, especially diabetes mellitus;
- lesions of the lower limbs.
Osteoarthritis of the knee runs the risk of people who are diagnosed with DOA at the ankle, were the standing dishes. With the defeat of the ankle or hip joints, violation of function of support of the foot increases the load on the knees. With age, the frequency of cases of osteoarthritis of the knee increases. This is due to the slowing of metabolic processes and of the processes of regeneration, circulatory disturbances, natural wear and tear of the cartilage, which is hormonal changes.
Osteoarthritis osteoarthritis at a young age often develops in people with a hereditary predisposition, the genetic defects of the connective tissue. Also exposed to athletes and people engaged in heavy work load on the legs. Damage knee joints excess weight.
The symptoms

When arthritis of any localizing symptoms gradually increasing from phase to phase. 1 phase gonartrosie the patient feels the discomfort:
- the legs get tired in a hurry;
- at the beginning of the movement occurs in the short-term pain, feeling of tightness, stiffness, but about half an hour these symptoms disappear;
- the pain can be renewed after a long load, but goes after the rest.
In 2 stages pretty negligible load, to cause pain, and requires a longer holiday, which has passed. Because this phase often becomes inflamed sheath of the synovial fluid, the mechanical stress headaches join of inflammation, which occur in a state of rest. For the synovitis is typical of an increase in the knee due to congestion the inflammatory effusion in the joint cavity, the skin often reddens, becomes hot to the touch.
If in an early stage of contracture (limited joint mobility) is mainly associated with painful feelings with the movements, because, as the disease of the joint of the knee progresses, the contractions become resistant. Grow osteophytes that prevent the movements, shorten and lose their elasticity of the ligaments, weakening the muscles, reduces the production of fat as intra-articular – synovial fluid. 3 phase and amplitude of the movements very much reduced, some patients may only perform rocking motion of the knee. Finally, in a next step the joint is deformed due to bony prominences, straight leg bent knee (X-shaped or in the shape of the deformation).
What is osteoarthritis of the knee and what are the symptoms distinguishes it from patellofemoral syndrome? The latter is characterized by:
- pain, that are located in the front of the knee, are felt usually when running, enriched with squats, raises from the chair, walking to the stairs;
- swelling in the area of the places of interest such as the patella;
- combine limp gait;
- shots with movements, with the clicks and the pain does not occur is stopped.
Swelling of the knee, the change of gait, a syndrome characterized by a and knee osteoarthritis, but the pain is felt deep in the joint, often suffers from its inner side. Movement often accompanied and pain, and crepitus. To determine with precision the localization of the process, are required functional tests and radiography.
Methods of diagnosis
The diagnosis of DOA is placed after a complete examination of the patient. First of all, the doctor listen to complaints, studies in history, examine your legs, palpated joints, perform passive movements and asks the patient to perform a series of active. Osteoarthritis osteoarthritis is one-way and two-way. In the case of defeat the healthy limb compared with the sick. Estimate the amount of movements, muscle strength, measure the sex thighs and legs, feet in length. Why gonarthrosis accompanied by atrophy of the muscles and ligaments, awesome leg reduced volume and shortened.
After the physical examination prescribed hardware and laboratory:
- the main method of diagnosis of osteoarthritis – x-ray, the image is performed step by step at least 2 projections;
- CT – type of x-ray examination, which discovers layer-by-layer image of the joint;
- evaluate the state of cartilage, soft tissue, the volume of the synovial fluid allows the ULTRASOUND;
- highly informative method of diagnostic magnetic RESONANCE imaging;
- the analysis are assigned, in order to distinguish osteoarthritis from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
The diagnosis and determine the degree of osteoarthritis osteoarthritis of the knee based on x-ray.
- Mild, usually irregular reduction of the joint space, elementary osteophytes in the form of a small tapering on the edges of the articulated sites.
- The contraction joint level of 50% and more, large, multiple osteophytes, sealing of the bone tissue (osteosclerosi) in the places of greatest load. On the background of foci of osteosclerosis may occur lighting – testopodobnymi cavity.
- The almost total absence of the articular level, expressed osteosclerosi, rude, osteophytes, deformation of the articular surfaces of the bones, anti-aliasing, their morphology, the curvature of the axis of the limb.
Next question: what is osteoarthritis of the knee and how to deal with it? Methods of treatment of this disease are varied, it is fundamental to an integrated approach, a combination of medications and non-drug therapy. The treatment must commence with a limitation of the load on the knees. For this it is necessary to abandon the running, jumping, lifting weights, patients with excess weight, you should lose weight.
However, the weakened muscles because of a stagnation in life, you need to move more, but do not overload the joints of the knee. Shoes should be comfortable, when you walk it is recommended that you use the stick, even orthopedist can choose the knee-length, orthotic and other devices for the unloading and stabilization of the joint. Necessarily need to stick to a diet.
Pharmacological treatment

How to cure osteoarthritis, if it is accompanied by pain? Often are cut with the help of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which taken orally and the use in the form of ointments, gels. Also prescribe bothersome ointment. During the intense inflammatory process can be viewed injection in the articulation of hormonal drugs in combination with local anesthetics. But this treatment only relieves the symptoms, the his spend a short exchange, according to the testimony.
1-2 phases of symptomatic treatment necessarily need to combine with the prolonged intake of chondroprotectors. These medicines slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue, and at an early stage and also to contribute to its recovery. Great relieve the pain and restore the mobility of intra-articular hyaluronic acid.
Medication osteoarthritis can also be assigned to vasodilators and drugs to improve the microcirculation, their acceptance is indicated for circulatory disorders of the joint. Relieve muscle spasms help muscle relaxants. A specific tool for the treatment of osteoarthritis, together with the protectors of the cartilage is a medication that neutralizes the activity of a protein that destroys the cartilage tissue.
Non-drug treatment
Illustrated with gonartrosie the joints of the knee and non-drug treatment. Methods non-drug therapy are:
- physiotherapy, iontophoresis, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, UHT milk, UFOS and other;
- application of paraffin wax, ozocerite;
- compresses with dimexide, doctor bile, bishofit in the;
- massage with exposure mainly to if the same joint, and its muscles;
- manual therapy – traction, or a correction of the joint;
- PHYSIOTHERAPY, medical gymnastics. Mastering the exercises can be video, descriptions, complexes with the photo, but it is best to begin the course, under the supervision of an instructor.
In a number of clinics pass the test of an innovative method of treatment – stem cell therapy. It allows you to restore the cartilage tissue, without surgery.
1 stage of gonarthrosis indicated only conservative treatment, starting from 2 can be a surgery. More progressive operations with osteoarthritis:
- arthroscopic debridment – removing osteophytes, the phases of the cartilage through a small incision;
- arthroscopic chondroplasty – "correction" of the articular cartilage;
- replacement – replacement of the artificial joint.
The first two operations take place usually in 2 stages, give a temporary effect for 1-2 years. Replacement shown in the phase 3 osteoarthritis of the knee, is the only way to avoid disability. The implants last for 15-20 years, after which it is necessary to perform the operation again.
Osteoarthritis osteoarthritis, or osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the three most common types of arthritis. Knee pain may indicate the development not only arthritis, but also to damage of the ligaments or menisci, arthritis, and other diseases. Therefore, the appearance of the symptoms of anxiety, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo the by means of.
Often osteoarthritis of the knee progresses slowly, from the appearance of the first symptoms up to total loss of the functions of the articulation can go a couple of decades. Fully cure osteoarthritis osteoarthritis is not possible, but if you start treatment early, the more chance of slow development and delay the last phase, up to disability.